Learn how to remove formatting from a Word document if you have copied and pasted information into your document, and manually changing each formatting option seems impractical.
If you want to make the check mark really big, but the 72 pt font size isn’t enough you can choose to manually enter a font size instead.If you select the check mark in your document, you can make it smaller or larger by adjusting the font size.Step 2: Click in the document at the point where you wish to insert the check mark. The check mark is a symbol that is included with Word 2013 by default, so any computer that has a copy of Microsoft Word 2013 installed should be able to follow these steps to put a check mark into a document. The methods include shortcuts, dialog box. In the Symbol dialog box, on the Symbols tab, in the Font box, click Wingdings. On the Insert tab, in the Symbols group, click Symbol. The steps in this article will show you how to locate and insert a check mark symbol into a document. Want to insert a check mark (Tick Mark) symbol in Excel Here are some easy ways to do that. Answer (1 of 5): Insert a symbol by using the Symbol command 1.

How to Add a Check Mark to a Document in Word 2013 (Guide with Pictures) Our guide continues below with additional information and pictures for these steps. Our tutorial will show you how to insert a checkmark into a Word document, as well as how to change its appearance, or copy and paste the check mark into a different location within the document. Since the check mark is a normal character as far as Word is concerned you can customize it in a variety of ways, making it more flexible than adding a picture of a check mark to your document instead. The check mark symbol is part of the Wingdings font, and behaves similarly to any other letter or number that you might include in your document. Microsoft Word 2013 has a rather large library of symbols that you can insert into a document, and the check mark is one of the symbols that is available.